We’ve been asked:
When are matches played?
All matches are played at 11AM on Sunday mornings.
Who can play in the league?
We offer open age football for the male game.
Where is the league based?
Games can be played all over Manchester, however we have many fixtures at Turn Moss Playing Fields – where the league is headquartered from.
Will we have to find our own Match Officials?
No. The league will appoint a registered match official to every game, selected from our extensive panel of high quality referees.
Are you accepting applications for the 2025/26 season?
Yes! We are actively searching for teams to join us next season. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
How do I join the league?
It’s simple! You can email [email protected] or fill out the form on the home page!
We’re not quite ready yet… when will applications close?
There is no definitive date for applications to the league to close. If you are at all interested, please get in touch with us!
How many divisions are there, and where would we join the league?
The number of divisions varies in relation to the number of teams we have.
Currently we have two divisions, the Mikey Williams Premier Division and the Mike Goldstone Division 1.
New teams will enter into Division 1.